I have been meaning to document this for a while and yesterday just sealed the deal. "Firsts" are super sweet to me. When Ash and Zoee took their first steps, I almost cried!! When Asher said his first word- "car," I think I cried... it just lets you know that your little babies are growing up.
Well, this month Asher and Zoee both had a "first."
Zoee said her first word at 11 months old. While it is not completely clear to everyone, I know what she is saying. The other day when we were playing in the garage, she walked over to a ball and said it- "ball!" I was a little uncertain if she really knew what she was saying but she continued to walk around the garage and whenever she would pick one up, she would say "ball- ball." I'm thinking she is going to like sports??
Asher had a first this month too. I was wondering when we would start to see him using his imagination to give names to his stuffed animals other than "Lion or Bear." Well, he found this turtle that he really likes and I asked him what he wanted to name it. He said "Turtle" so I thought that we might not be to the stage yet where he would name things. I asked him if he thought "Timmy the Turtle" might be a good name and he said yes (I guess I was trying to encourage him to see that he could be more creative in the naming of his animals). Well, this morning he brought out another turtle (I guess its one of Timmy's friends) and I asked Asher what that turtle's name was. His answer made me laugh. "Sock," he said. So, the first animal that Asher gave a name to is "Sock" the turtle. Priceless!! I love the new stages that kids go through!!
i love that picture of them!!! they are so precious - you are blessed! :) love you!!