Sunday, July 22, 2012

Dear Zoee...

Dear Zoee,
Oh my goodness! It's been so long since I have had time to sit down and write about your little life. You are the life of the party, little lady! You make us laugh every day and it has been such a joy to watch you grow so much these last couple of months. You are talking a LOT!! You talk all day and it just blows my mind when you start saying such big girl phrases! Here are some things that you have been saying recently...

1. "Hakuna Matata!" Followed very closely with... "No worries!!"
2. "lub you" (love you)
3. "I'm THREE!" followed shortly by "I'm ONE."
4. "Stop."
5. "Nokio cary! (Pinnochio is scary!)"
6. "What you doing!?" (you say this when I am occupied with something like cooking or working on the computer... anything that does not directly involve you =) )

Those are the main ones that come to mind. Here are some other things going on with you...

1. You are just a sweet and silly little girl.
2. You love to sing to the Lion King soundtrack and you love Tarzan (especially the part when there is a baby being carried by the Gorilla).
3. You love to hold your babies and let them be involved in all that you are doing. You will usually tell me "Baby crying!!" and then hold the baby close and give it kisses.
4. You are still our little spicy girl sometimes. You sometimes get it in your head that you must irritate your brother and friends and you will egg them on until everyone blows up and we are all crying!! We are working on that though!
5. You love things that are sparkly and you love different shoes.
6. You love animals. Our neighbors have a cat that comes to visit us and you love it.
7. You still love eating. You like your veggies and almost all fruits.

Zoee, we are so thankful for you. We pray almost daily for the wisdom from the Lord to shepherd your little soul. We pray that you will come to love Jesus with all of your being! You are a joy!

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