Monday, May 7, 2012

Dear Asher...

Dear Asher,
I cannot believe that we are nearing your THIRD birthday! This makes me a little sad. I just cannot keep you little! As with Zoee, Daddy thought we should write down your nicknames so that we can have that memory written down. We do not have as many for you as we do for Zoee. Here they are...

1. Big boy (this is Daddy's name for you)
2. Brother
3. Buddy
4. Bubba
5. Handsome
6. Sweet boy (this is mainly my name for you)
7. Ash (this is what some friends call you)
8. Asher- Basher (when you are being really brave)

You are such a wonderful little man and are really starting to be your own person. You have a new favorite movie/workout program... Tarzan! I call it a workout program because when you watch it you literally jump from couch to couch for almost the whole movie. Who knew that watching a movie could be good exercise?? You are so kind and protective to your sister (most of the time). You like to warn her about dangerous things and you are often willing to share toys with her. You even asked me the other day to "hold her" after she fell down and got an owie. We love you, Buddy and enjoy watching you grow and become such a great kid.

Here you are "holding" Sissy...

1 comment:

  1. gorgeous family Sonny & Cassie. many blessings your way. Thank you for being such a godly example to our youth of this world.

    Roni Allen
