Monday, March 7, 2011

Dear Zoee...

Dear Zoee,
Oh how I LOVE to have you wear flowers on your head! I have a feeling that these bulky flowers are going to be a trend that you look back on and get mad at me for having you wear them... but they are so cute... and you don't have much hair so these flowers make you look so much more girly! Zoee, you really are becoming more and more of a joy. Yes, you still spit up pretty often but that's okay. Last week, one day before your 4 month birthday, you rolled over for the 1st time. We are so proud of you. You are growing fast and your smile still lights up the room. You still love to eat and thus your little legs are pretty plump =). You love your brother and smile often when he kisses (actually head-butts) you and when he talks to you. You are a mommy's girl and like to make sure I am in the room or else you get upset. I don't mind that much at all because I have been told that it won't last long! Please know little girl that I pray often for your purity. Daddy and I are already praying for your spouse and that you would grow to be a woman who loves the Lord with all of your heart and soul and might. You keep me seeking God every day and I often look at you and remember God's faithfulness. Zoee, we love you sweet girl and are so thankful for you!


ps- I would write more but you just woke up from a 3 hour morning nap and you are HUNGRY!! Love you baby girl!

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