Friday, February 10, 2012

Zoee and Daddy

Zoee is just growing up so fast. I remember so vividly trying to teach her to crawl, then walk. Now I am fixing her hair and teaching her to talk! Where does the time go? The other day I started putting her hair in small "fountain" pony tails. She just looks so cute and it helps people see that she is not a boy (her hair is taking forever to come in- just like mine did- so she sometimes gets mistaken for a boy!!). The first day that I fixed her hair this way, I just had to take pictures. Here she is with her Daddy! She will randomly come over to him and give him kisses. I think she does this because she sees me doing that. It is just so sweet. She actually only does this with Sonny- she has yet to give me a kiss without prompting. Gotta love the love of a girl and her Daddy!

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