Sunday, November 29, 2015

Living in the Longing

     There are so many times in our lives where we are in a season of "longing." We may be longing to get married, longing for a new job, longing for a child or restored health... there are endless things that we may be longing for. One lesson that the Lord really helped me to see in a very tangible way goes along with one of the subjects written by one of my favorite authors, Elisabeth Elliot. In one of her chapters in Let Me Be a Woman she quotes her husbands words, "Let not our longing slay the appetite of our living." Isn't this such a great quote to digest and meditate on?

     The other day we went to the zoo with some sweet friends and I couldn't help but see this wise quote come to life in my five year old. From the moment we stepped through the entrance of the zoo, Zoee was set on seeing the giraffes. The only small issue with desiring the giraffes is that they are literally in the back of the zoo. In order to see them you must pass by the gorillas, tigers, bears, etc. Zoee was so set on seeing the giraffes that I had to remind her a few times to "enjoy the journey." As I watched her "struggle" to enjoy the other animals on the walk to the giraffes, I felt the Lord stirring me as I  saw a glimpse of my own struggles in life. How often do I forget to enjoy the present as I focus on a longing for something that may or may not be in my future? I am so like Zoee sometimes. I want the "giraffes" so badly that I forget to stop and enjoy the beauty of the "lions" and "bears!"

    I pray that as children of the Lord we will live "in the moment." What season has the Lord currently given us to live in? Are we walking in thankfulness for this season, soaking it in and trying to see how the Lord wants us to glorify Him in this season OR are we so focused on things to come that we neglect or current season only to wake up in 10 years to find that we've missed out on a precious season from the Lord? I hope to learn from my sweet little Zoee. This current season is a gift. Let us enjoy it and glorify King Jesus in it!

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