Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dear Zoee...

Our little dancing girl!!

Dear Zoee,
As with your brother, WHERE DO I BEGIN!!?? You are growing so fast sweet girl!! You are really forming a personality of your own and it is fun and sometimes a little scary. You have a very intense personality. When the nursery rimes say that girls are full of "sugar and spice" they are right. You are just that. Sometimes you are just so sweet and you will come running in and hug me. Other times you want nothing to do with me because you have your own mission to fulfill. I think that you are going to be harder to discipline than Asher. Even though we continually train you not to touch things like power cords and electrical sockets, we still sometimes see you going for them!! Just like Asher, you LOVE life and love to laugh and smile. Tonight when I was giving you and Asher a bath you just started laughing for almost no reason. Yes, I was being a little silly but you just bursted out laughing and continued laughing for a few minutes. It makes me so happy to see how such little things make you laugh. Here are some things going on with you lately...

1. You love animals (which is funny because I am not much of an animal lover). I think your favorite animal is the elephant (you like the sounds that he makes on Baby Einstein) or the cat (you got a cat that makes noise from Mimi and Papa for Christmas and you carry it around with you constantly). You also got some plastic animals for Christmas and you love to carry them around with you- especially the giraffe and the lion.

2. You LOVE to watch Baby Einstein. You will go to the TV and say "mo-mo" (movie) when you want to watch it. I think that you would keep it on all day if I would let you.

3. You love to eat still! You love veggies (green beans seem to be your favorite), blueberries, bananas, waffles, yogurt melts, grapes, vanilla cookies and graham crackers, and chicken. We had to take you off of all dairy because of your spitting up and you seem to be doing well. Finding food for you can be a little more challenging because so many foods have milk. Hopefully you will grow out of that soon!

4. You are talking a little more now. You can say "Momma" "Dada" "Mimi" "Papa" "Ah (Asher)" "ball" "bapa (diaper)" and of course "nak (snack)"

5. You love your brother! Sometimes you love to annoy him but most of the time you just love to be with him. You will sometimes run up and almost tackle him!

6. You LOVE to dance. ALL-THE-TIME. You even dance when there is no music on!! It cracks us up. If someone starts singing a song, you start dancing!!

7. You love to read books. You like reading the Baby Einstein book that has lots of animals in it. You especially love seeing the elephant in those books because I will try to make the elephant sound and it makes you laugh =)

8. You actually are pretty "girly." Sometimes you will bring me your headband and start trying to put in on your head! I look forward to doing lots of girl stuff with you in the future!!

Little Zo-bear, you are such a gift. At times it has been harder with you lately because when you do not get your way you can sometimes throw a fit. We are working on that, though and I believe that the Lord can use your "determined" personality for good. Zoee, we love you so much. You are such a joy to be around and you make us laugh everyday. We pray that you will love the Lord with all the strength and passion that He has given you!


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