Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dear Asher...

Dear Asher,
What a great little man you are becoming. We still talk almost every day about how fun this season with you is. You really are such a kind, compassionate, joyful little man. You like to walk people to the door and you told me this morning when Zoee and I came to get you up from bed, "Zoee's pretty." You are so kind just like your Daddy! You are a little emotional at times which makes it hard for us to know how to encourage you. Sometimes the smallest thing can go wrong (like you not being able to find a certain car that you want) and it just seems to wreck you. We are learning though- how to strengthen and love on you so that you will hopefully grow to be a godly young man one day. When I think about who you remind me of in the bible, I think of King David (minus his trouble with women). He seems to have been a little emotional at times but he was also a strong leader who was brave and loved the Lord. I pray that you will be like that. I love the way God made you! Here are some things going on with you...

1. Your favorite bible story is Noah. In your kids bible you love to read about Noah and the rainbow.

2. You love to imitate your Daddy. Sometimes when he is at work, you will wear his hat around the house. I love when you do this. You and Daddy get doughnuts almost every Thursday morning and you enjoy this so much. You are just like him!

3. You love helping me with Zoee. I think you might think her real name is "Zo-bear!" That's what you normally call her. It is so sweet. When she gets fussy in the car, you will start talking to her to try and distract her. I love hearing you go "HI ZO-BEAR!!" You are a great big brother. Even though Zoee can sometimes annoy you, you are adjusting well to her and learning how to get your space when you need a break (you will go play quietly on your bed when you get frustrated with Zoee and then come back to play with her when you are ready)

4. You like playing sports. You seem to be good at soccer and like to play catch with us.

5. You love chocolate (just like Mommy) and all things that are sweet (just like Daddy!)

6. You have started to like a new movie called "Fireman Sam" that we watch on Netflix. Its funny that you like this because I think it is a British show with clay figures but you really like it and ask often to watch "Fireman."

7. You still seem to have a little of Mommy's OCD and "hypochondrian-ism" =). Everything always has to be in its rightful place for you to be at peace and the smallest "owie" always has to have medicine!! I love seeing my funny quirks show up in you!

8. You like to go in the attic with Daddy. We have no idea why you want to go up in that hot place but at least 3 times a week, you ask to "Go attic with Daddy." I guess that's your adventure side coming out!!

9. Going with your adventure side- you love to climb!! You love climbing up your rock wall in your room and saying "I DID IT!!" when you are done =)

Ash, you are such a joy. I love praying with you at night and reading your bible with you. I love cuddling with you. I love playing ball with you and building towers with you and watching Cars with you. We love being your parents little man! You bless us so much!


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